Goldstone's 200+ MPH '73 Javelin Rules Unlimited Iron at Drag Week

10 min read

Goldstone's 200+ MPH '73 Javelin Rules Unlimited Iron at Drag Week

10 min read

Bryant Goldstone was top dog in Unlimited Iron, averaging a 7.04 at 204.59 mph โ€“ the fastest speed for any driver in any class โ€“ to in his popular '73 Javelin to win by a comfortable margin. Deadly consistency through the middle of the week carried him to the title, as he ran between 6.92 and 6.95 at 212-213 mph three days in a row at Darlington, Charlotte, and Bristol.

15 miles from the hotel on the last day, a valve spring broke and dropped a valve, but Goldstone improvised and ran amazingly quick โ€“ a 7.41 at 192 mph โ€“ on just seven cylinders. "I heard a sound and thought, 'Boy, I hope that was an EGT coming loose or something simple like that' but when we pulled the valve cover we saw what it was. We figured a 8.0 would be enough to clinch it, but it sure sounded terrible on the left side. I was afraid of doing catastrophic damage, but it held together enough to win."

Goldstone runs a Ultra Tech Racing Engines-built 572 cubic-inch big block with conventional cylinder heads and recently made the switch to a complete Holley Dominator EFI system. "It works perfectly," he said. "There are no electrical problems. I love the tenability, especially the streetability of it. It's easy to use and it's to get everything just the way you want it."


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